Senatobia Healthcare & Rehab News Blog

How to Help Organize & Store My Aging Parent’s Photos & Documents

organize photos and documents

If you have aging parents, you know how daunting the task of helping them organize their belongings can be. Still, it’s a critical part of being realistic about the aging process. It’s best to organize things like photos and documents before your parents go into a healthcare facility or nursing home. If you don’t, it can become a big job down the road.

Here’s your complete guide to helping your parents get organized this year.

How (and why) to Organize Old Photos

Old photos contain precious family memories, so keeping them close is essential. If your parents are the type to snap photos everywhere they go, it could also be a big task. With that in mind, follow these tips to organize old photos:

  • Divide and conquer. If your parents have boxes and boxes of photos, don’t try to conquer them all at once. Instead, start with a single box. Dividing this job into smaller tasks makes it easier to complete.
  • Sort. Sort the photos according to your system of choice. This could mean family, friends, years, or holidays.
  • Dump duplicates. If you come across duplicate (or similar) photos, keep the one that you like best, and get rid of the others. This cuts down on clutter without sacrificing memories.
  • Store. Store photos in a format that makes sense to you. It could take the form of photo books, marked photo boxes, or scrapbooks.

Organizing Documents

If your parent finds themselves in an emergency healthcare situation, you might realize you don’t have the documents and paperwork you need. As such, it’s smart to collect all official records before an emergency. 

Here are a few of the essential documents you’ll need to keep track of:

  • Birth certificate
  • Driver’s license
  • Social security card
  • Medicare or Medicaid insurance coverage card
  • Organ donor card
  • Marriage certificate
  • Credit cards
  • Mortgage records
  • Military records
  • Legal POA, Living Will, Advanced Directives, etc. 
  • Safe-deposit box information, including the name of the owner of the box, a note of the location of the key, as well as a list of the contents and the names of everyone who has access to it
  • Tax returns
  • Insurance policy docs
  • Stocks, bonds, real estate, and other investment information

Finally, your parents will need to make a list of essential contacts and accounts. If your parents become unable to speak or make decisions for themselves, you should know how to access bank accounts, loans, credit cards, insurance profiles, and any other accounts your parents have. 

You should also know how to get in touch with their attorney, financial planner, broker, and anyone else who knows about or controls your parent’s trusts, wills, and finances. 

Get Organized Now to Avoid Problems Later

Although it may feel like a daunting task to organize boxes of old photos and documents, it’s crucial. If you can get your parents to help, you can enjoy a walk down memory lane together. 

Additionally, getting your parents organized before a health problem helps them be more relaxed. It also helps them focus on healing and getting better when they are in the hospital or a care facility.

Here at Senatobia Healthcare, we’re happy to help you and your parents get organized, and how you can prepare – as a Mississippi family – for the next big transition. Contact us today to learn more. 

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Elderly are More at Risk for Illnesses Like the Coronavirus


Coronavirus cases continue to crop up, and responses range from apathetic to panicky. Regardless of where you live, being prepared for a possible outbreak is a smart idea. This is especially true if you’re a senior citizen or the adult child of aging parents. It’s also crucial for senior caregivers since older Americans are at increased risk for contracting Coronavirus. 

Here’s what you need to know.

How Serious is Coronavirus?

The coronavirus outbreak is still spreading around the world. At the time of this writing, hundreds are ill, and approximately 60 people have died in the U.S. While there’s no telling how far or for how long the virus will spread, health experts warn that the virus will inevitably spread throughout the country. 

While this is a scary thought, panic won’t do us any good. Although the outbreak is a serious health risk, most people who get Coronavirus do not become seriously ill. In fact, only a small percentage require intensive care and treatment. 

Who is Most at Risk of Coronavirus?

Right now, health experts believe that people with underlying conditions like diabetes and heart disease are most susceptible to the virus. In about 20% of cases (most of which affect seniors), Coronavirus causes severe pneumonia, which can lead to hospitalization or death. Severe cases of Coronavirus are most likely to crop up in environments where older people congregate or live together, like skilled nursing facilities and retirement homes. 

In Washington State, for example, the Life Care Center in Kirkland, Washington, is the epicenter of the outbreak. Fortunately, health officials have issued several common-sense tips to help people avoid Coronavirus infection.

How to Avoid the Virus

Whether you or a loved one are elderly, living independently, or living in a care facility, these tips will help you avoid Coronavirus infection:

  • Wash your hands. This is the simplest yet most effective tip health officials have for the general population. To reduce the risk of infection, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Dry them with a clean towel or let them air dry. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers containing at least 60 percent alcohol at times when you can’t easily wash your hands. 
  • Avoid touching your face. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. Touching your face is an easy way to introduce the virus into your body, and avoiding it will help you stay healthy.
  • Stay at least 6 feet from sick people. If someone around you has cold- or flu-like symptoms, keep your distance. Experts recommend staying at least 6 feet away to avoid transmission. 

Decreasing the Risk of Coronavirus

While Coronavirus will continue to spread, you can take proactive steps to reduce your risk of becoming infected. By following the tips above and seeking out a qualified, skilled, competent nursing facility like Senatobia Healthcare for yourself or a loved one, you can slash your chances of becoming ill or passing the virus on to someone else. Ready to learn more? Contact us today. 

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Dementia & Sleep Problems: Causes & Solutions

sleep problems

For people with Alzheimer’s, sleep doesn’t always come easily. As the brain changes, so, too, does a person’s nightly sleep schedule. While these changes are a normal part of developing dementia, they can harm the quality of life for the person affected. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help your loved one cope with sleep problems, both now and in the future.

Here’s what you need to know. 

Sleep Changes and Alzheimer’s

As we age, our relationship with sleep begins to change. Even in adults without symptoms of dementia, getting a restful 7-8 hours of sleep each night can feel like an impossible task. When dementia is present, though, sleep changes tend to become more pronounced. While symptoms vary, people with dementia may experience:

  • Difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep. People with dementia wake up more often throughout the night, and frequently have trouble getting back to sleep once they’re awake. Brain wave studies on affected patients have revealed decreases in dreaming and non-dreaming sleep phases. When a person cannot sleep, they may wander, become restless, or cry out for their caregivers at night. 
  • Disruptions in the sleep/wake cycle. People with Alzheimer’s may feel tired during the day, but lie awake all night. Sometimes, they experience a phenomenon known as “sundowning,” which causes them to feel agitated in the early evening. In extreme cases, people may experience a complete reversal of regular sleep/wake cycles, sleeping all day, and lying awake all night. 

How You Can Help Resolve Sleep Problems

When it comes to treating sleep disruption in people with Alzheimer’s or dementia, there are two primary approaches: medical and non-medical. Most caregivers recommend starting with non-medical methods, which include the following:

  • Stat and maintain a daily schedule, with regular times for meals, going to bed, and waking up.
  • Strive for early morning sunlight exposure. Going for a walk outside is a great option, but opening the home’s curtains and blinds will work, too.
  • Encourage regular daily exercise, and make sure the session is finished no later than four hours before bedtime. 
  • Discourage consumption of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine.
  • If your loved one takes a cholinesterase inhibitor, start giving the medication in the morning rather than at night. 
  • Avoid having television and computer screens in the bedroom. 
  • Treat any underlying sources of wakefulness, such as pain or depression.

If the above non-medical approaches don’t help as much as you’d hoped, consider talking to your loved one’s doctor about medications for sleep problems. In many cases, sleep-inducing medications can help take the edge off the situation and provide more restful nights for everyone involved. 

Nursing Home Care: A Loving Option

If you care for your loved one at home and are finding it challenging to keep up with their changing needs, Senatobia Healthcare is here for you. One of the premier nursing home facilities in Mississippi, we specialize in helping patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia live healthy, happy, fulfilling lives. Contact us today to learn more about our long-term care programs and how we can help you. 

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How Dancing Can Heal the Aging Brain

dancing can heal the brain

Of all the things that are inevitable in life, aging is one of them. No matter how young you might feel, our brains age, and there’s not much we can do to stop it. Fortunately, the quality of life doesn’t have to go downhill with aging. There are things you can do to decrease the effects of aging on the brain.

One of them, as it turns out, is as simple as dancing

How Dancing Impacts the Brain

Think you can dance your way to a healthier brain? You might be right, and science is here to back you up. With normal aging, approximately 40% of people aged 65 and older will experience some degree of memory loss. If a condition like Dementia or Alzheimer’s is present, memory loss becomes more pronounced. 

Fortunately, recent studies have shown that regular exercise (and dancing, specifically) can help you maintain a healthy, youthful body and brain. Consider these findings:

  • According to a study published in the journal “Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,” dancing is more effective than other physical activities at reversing aging in the brain.
  • The same study examined MRI brain scans and age-related brain degeneration. The study took place over 18 months and looked at the effects of dancing compared to other forms of exercise. It found that 68-year-old people (the study’s average age) saw dramatic improvements in brain structure after participating in weekly dance classes.
  • Most of the benefits of dancing appear in the brain’s hippocampus area, which is known to be most impacted by age-related declines. This is excellent news for people who have Alzheimer’s and other age-related illnesses. 

How to Dance Your Brain Back to Health

If you’ve suffered a stroke or a condition like Alzheimer’s, dancing is a great way to facilitate rehabilitation and restore the function of the brain. Here are a few ways to incorporate dancing as a healthcare method:

  • Join a dance class. According to recent research, participating in choreographed dance routines can boost endurance, flexibility, and balance, while also triggering increased activity in the brain.
  • Try a new style of dance. In the “Frontiers in Human Neuroscience” study, people who participated in Jazz and Latin-American dancing showed dramatic improvement in brain structure after weekly choreographed classes. With this in mind, try a new style of dance to keep things fresh.
  • Start slow. For people who have had strokes or are suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia, enrolling in a dance class might be biting off too much all at once. In situations like these, starting slow is ideal. 

Dance Your Way to Healthy Living

Aging doesn’t have to be a downward spiral. Regardless of what your current state of health is, you can be empowered by doing certain activities and living healthy. These activities will slow down the negative aspects of aging and allow you to enjoy the positive. Dancing, specifically, is a great way to promote rehabilitation. Ranging from improved muscle movement and brain activity to better balance and more. 

Here at Senatobia, we specialize in helping you preserve and reclaim your health. Contact us today to learn more about our professional rehabilitation services

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Steps to Take When Your Aging Parents Need Help

aging parents care

Our parents: they’re the people who raised us. We know them as the ones who were quirky, funny, energetic, or stern. So when they start to get older, the role reversal can be a bit jarring. Suddenly you’re the one caring for them. Aging parents have needs our younger parents didn’t, and many of us struggle to differentiate between normal aging and signs that someone might need help. If you’ve found yourself in this position, here’s your guide to determining when it’s time to step in.

3 Steps to Determine When Your Aging Parents Need More Support

Is it time for nursing care? Maybe your parents need an aide to come to the house a few days a week. Here are a few easy ways to determine how much help your parents need:

1. Be Honest About Their Needs

Dealing with aging can be emotional. To help all parties involved see things more clearly, sit down and assess your parents’ needs.

Are they still safe? Can they take care of their medical and personal needs, like medication and bathing/dressing? What’s the state of their health? Can they prepare their meals and get around the house? The answers to these questions will help you determine what level of assistance, if any, they need.

2. Assess Your Own Needs

As parents get older, the assumption is that friends and family will step in to provide caregiving services. Often, however, the burden of caregiving is too great. Picking it up means the loved one or friend will sacrifice their own responsibilities.

In these cases, it’s wiser to bring in a healthcare professional to tend to the aging party. This may mean moving your parents into nursing care or simply hiring a home care professional.

3. Have a Conversation

Talking to your parents about aging is a difficult process, but it must be done. 

Instead of making decisions behind their back, involve them in the process. How are they feeling? Do they believe they need additional assistance? Are there specific tasks that are difficult for them? Communication is key to ensuring all needs are met. It’s also the most compassionate way to move through this tender season of life. 

If you find that you can’t talk to your parents on your own, consider taking them to tour a nursing care facility. Intake coordinators at these facilities are excellent at navigating these tough conversations and will give you both some things to think about. 

The Next Steps for Your Parents

While many people take serious illness as a sign that their parents need assistance, you don’t have to wait that long. By following the three steps laid out above, you can approach the reality of your aging parents with grace and integrity.

If you have questions about aging care and support, contact Senatobia Healthcare today. We’re happy to help you learn more about our programs and long-term care offerings.

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How to “Live Soulfully” in a Care Facility

living soulfully

May 12-18 of this year was National Skilled Nursing Care Week. The theme for the week was “Live Soulfully.” The idea of “living soulfully” is nice, but what does it mean, especially in the realm of healthcare and aging? Is “living soulfully” a faith-based approach to the world? Or is it something people do on a day-to-day basis to define their outlook on the world? Here’s what we think:

The Definition of Soulful Living in Healthcare

Many people believe that getting older means giving up: giving up on life, on the things you love, on friends and family, and on having new aspirations. That’s a very depressing view, and we’re happy to report that it couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes – aging creates changes. What it does not do, though, is render people unable to enjoy life.

This is where the idea of living soulfully comes in.

Living soulfully is the act of embracing aging and finding ways to make the most of its changes. Living soulfully means bringing the things a person loves into the every day, whether that’s by cooking a special meal or finding new ways to get involved with a community. People who live soulfully welcome each season of their life, reaching out to uplift and be of service to others throughout.

It’s a beautiful concept, and it’s one our nursing care team here at Senatobia is happy to support.

4 Ways to Live Soulfully in Your Care Facility

Want to create a more fulfilling life for yourself or a loved one? Here are a few ways to bring more happiness into your daily routine:

1. Bring in the Outdoors

Did you know that indoor greenery like house plants reduce toxins, improve concentration and productivity, reduce stress levels, and improve your mood? Most importantly for people in nursing care facilities, they also provide structure and purpose – giving you something beautiful to focus on each day. 

With this in mind, bring in some beautiful, flowering plants for your room or apartment. Caring for them is one of the most soulful things you can do.

2. Reach out in Service

There is no pursuit so great as helping others. Live more soulfully by extending your energies to other people in need. Volunteer at your local soup kitchen, donate clothing to a women’s shelter or read to children at the library. Giving your time is a simple pursuit with a big payback.

3. Decorate Your Space

The environment you live in has a significant impact on your mental and emotional health. With this in mind, decorate your space with things that make you happy. Pictures of loved ones, treasured keepsakes, and soft, plush textiles will all make your area feel homier.

4. Focus on Relationships

One of the great things about nursing care facilities is that they provide an automatic community. So why not take advantage of it? Focus on the relationships you have in your new space – be they with other residents or a favorite caregiver. Forging secure connections with others is one of the best ways to feel happier and more fulfilled.

Finding Peace and Happiness in Your Golden Years

Living soulfully means creating a fulfilling life for yourself, no matter what season you’re in. By focusing on these four things and finding a community that’s just as dedicated to soulful living as you are, you can thrive both now and in the future.

Want to learn more about our healthcare offerings? Contact Senatobia Healthcare & Rehab today. 

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Hip Fractures: How to Prevent and Treat Them

Hip Fractures Rehabilitation

The hip fracture: it may seem like a mild injury. In truth, it can be incredibly dangerous. Each year, more than 300,000 Americans ages 65 and older are hospitalized due to hip fractures. Even worse, these hospitalizations can lead to numerous other complications, like treatment-resistant infections and pneumonia. 

When it comes to hip fractures, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Here’s what you and your elderly loved ones need to know about preventing hip fractures both now and in the future.

How Hip Fractures Happen

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling – typically by falling sideways. While women experience three-quarters of all hip fractures, both men and women fracture their hips for many of the same reasons. 

Ice, uneven ground, household obstacles, and interference by pets and kids are the primary culprits. The risk of hip fractures goes up with aging – doubling with every five-year increase after the age of 50. By 90 years old, one in four women and one in eight men have fractured a hip.

Preventing Hip Fractures

Since hip fractures are so painful and difficult to recover from, it’s smart to be proactive about preventing them from happening in the first place. 

Here are a few ways to do just that:

Work With Your Doctor

Your healthcare provider is your primary line of defense when it comes to hip fractures. A doctor will educate you about your risk of falling and ways to avoid incidents. The doctor should review all the medications you’re taking to ensure there are no interactions between them that could cause dizziness or fatigue.

Finally, a doctor will screen you for osteoporosis and recommend a Vitamin D supplement to strengthen bones and improve density.

Stay Fit

Strength and balancing exercises (like moderate weight lifting and yoga) will both go a long way to prevent hip fractures. According to studies conducted and published by Harvard Health, just twelve minutes of yoga practice each day is enough to reverse and prevent osteoporotic bone loss. 

If yoga isn’t your thing, turn to other exercises like walking, strength training, or swimming to maintain your range of motion, improve stability, and prevent injury.

Make Your Home Safer

In-home obstacles are a significant factor behind many hip fractures. It’s tough to stay safe, for example, if you’re always worried about tripping over loose carpets or slipping down the stairs. With this in mind, here are a few simple tips to make your home safer:

  • Get rid of items you could trip over – clutter is a primary culprit 
  • Add grab bars to the bathroom, specifically on the sides of the toilet and the outside of the shower or bathtub
  • Add railings to both sides of the stairs to prevent slipping
  • Increase visibility by adding more lights throughout your home

Rehab Old Injuries

If you’ve suffered a hip fracture in the past, proper rehabilitation is critical to preventing it from happening again. An excellent rehabilitation facility will offer the occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) you need to get stronger. If you live in a nursing care facility, tell the staff about your old injury (Assuming it did not happen at the facility). They’ll be able to put together a recovery plan that works for you.  

Looking for a healthcare and rehab center for education and recovery services? Contact Senatobia Healthcare today to learn more about our programs and offerings.

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What is the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PPDM) Taking Effect in October 2019?

Patient Driven Payment Model

2019 is underway, and now is a great time to think about the changes that are coming down the pipe from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). These new patient-driven payment model rules affect Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) and Home Health Providers. Here’s what you need to know about how these healthcare changes will affect nursing homes in the coming months.

The Patient-Driven Payment Model: SNF Medicare Payments

The most significant change facing this segment of the healthcare industry is the patient-driven payment model, which is slated to roll out October of 2019. According to CMS, this model places a new emphasis “on the patient’s condition and resulting care needs. Rather than on the amount of care provided to determine Medicare payment.”

The change presents a noticeable shift toward value for nursing home and therapy facilities. Which means skilled nursing facilities will now have an incentive to evaluate a person’s total condition before determining whether or not that person is receiving the right care.

This promotes a more cohesive care model and disincentivizes care models where every task is carefully recorded and submitted for payment. Which is creating a waterfall of paperwork that’s virtually impossible to keep up with.

The 3 Primary Impacts of PDPM on Nursing Facilities

According to Optima Healthcare Solutions, PDPM will affect establishments in the following three ways:

  1. Managing care. Unlike RUG-IV, which prompts high-volume care, PDPM will require establishments to pay close attention to how they deliver services. If a facility over-delivers therapy, it won’t be paid for the care that was provided. Likewise, under-delivering therapy in a way that leads to poor patient outcomes will result in potential Medicare audits and take-backs.
  2. Staffing. Thanks to the reduction of total therapy minutes, there will be a decreased demand for therapists in the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) setting. This, in turn, will reduce the labor shortage companies trying to find qualified staff experience. It will also make it easier for facilities to locate and retain top therapy talent.
  3. Financial. The mission of PDPM is to be budget neutral, which is especially likely in SNFs. Thanks to some new nursing allocations, SNFs are going to be able to offset the loss in therapy reimbursement with reimbursement for the nursing care that is already being provided.

The Positive Changes For Rehabilitation Facilities

According to most therapy settings, the introduction of the new patient-driven payment model is a good thing. This allows nursing home staff and care teams to take a more holistic, better-rounded approach to care. CMS is aiming to emphasize patient outcomes while also reducing the likelihood of penalties.

While care staff at Senatobia and throughout Mississippi will still have to use due diligence to classify patients. CMS will be there to help guide care and provide reimbursement thresholds for rehabilitation facilities. This program has the potential to positively impact both customers and care providers alike. Our team here at Senatobia looks forward to seeing what else the industry has in store for the coming year.

Want to learn more about the PDPM? Contact Senatobia today to find out how it will impact you or your loved one in care.

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Caregiver Self-Care: 4 Ways Caregivers Can Support Themselves

caregiver selfcare support

If you’ve ever acted as a caregiver for a person with dementia or Alzheimer’s, you know how important it is for caregivers to protect their health as they care for their patients. In fact, it’s critical.

Today, caregivers are much more likely than non-caregivers to succumb to a wide assortment of health issues, including anxiety, depression, and burnout.

Today, 15.7 million family members are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia. What’s more, 43.5 million caregivers have provided unpaid care in the last 12 months. These caregivers spend an average of 13 days each month on caregiving tasks. 46% of them perform medical and nursing tasks, and 96% provide help with ADLs. These caregivers provide critical care. Unfortunately, they also have incredibly high rates of burnout and stress-related illnesses.

If caregivers are going to avoid these conditions, and provide the comprehensive care their patients deserve, self-care is essential.

How Caregiver Health Impacts Patient Care

Caring for adults with neurodegenerative diseases can be exhausting.

Coping with things like wandering and behavioral issues can leave you stressed and sleep-deprived. In time, this can lead to serious mental and emotional health issues, including anxiety and depression.

As it stands today, caregivers (both family and nursing home-based caregivers) are 4x more likely than their counterparts to experience depression, and three times more likely to seek treatment for anxiety. While these conditions have devastating impacts on the caregiver, they can also impact the quality of patient care, and create a dangerous environment for both caregivers and patients.

4 Ways Caregivers can Practice Self-Care

We’ve all heard the saying that we need to put our oxygen masks on, first, before we can help other people. Nowhere is this more true than caregiving. When you get the support you need, patients, caregivers, and families thrive.

With that in mind, here are four ways to care for yourself, in the midst of your demanding job:

  1. Be Realistic About Limitations. You’re not an island, and nobody can do everything on their own. As such, it’s critical for caregivers to understand their limitations and learn to ask for help. Accepting limitations is a great way to avoid burnout and the issues that come with it.
  2. Prioritize. Prioritizing is an excellent way to avoid missing out on the things that are most important to you. If you know that spending time with friends refreshes and recharges you, make sure you’re prioritizing this and creating time for it in your life.
  3. Know Your Resources. There are dozens of resources out there for caregivers, and knowing what they are can help you avoid burnout. Local resources like support groups and interim care can help you ensure excellent patient care, while also giving yourself the support you need.
  4. Take Care of Your Body. If you’re not getting enough sleep, food, or water, it will be virtually impossible to be a great caregiver. With this in mind, make sure you’re getting to the gym, eating healthy, well-rounded meals, and making time for sleep. If your body doesn’t work, nothing else will, either.

Caring for the Caregiver

Caregivers have a challenging job, and self-care is a critical part of performing it well.

If you’re a caregiver and are looking for ways to provide better care, contact Senatobia Healthcare & Rehab. Our nurses and caregivers receive ongoing training and attention, so they’re excellent resources for learning, support, and, in the event your loved one needs it, assisted living. Caregiving is one of the world’s most challenging and rewarding jobs, and it’s at the center of what we do.

Contact us today to learn more.

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5 Tips For Your Best Life in a Senior Facility

best life at a senior facility

Happiness: we all want it. Most of us spend our lives looking for it. We know where it exists – in our families, in the things we love, in our favorite pursuits. But what about a senior facility? Is it possible to find happiness there? What happens when someone leaves the family home and moves into a nursing care facility?

While many people see nursing care, retirement, and old age as the end of an era, it can be the start of a new chapter. The only thing that separates the two realities is your perception.

Finding Happiness in Nursing Care: 5 Actionable Tips

Adjusting to life in a retirement community can be difficult. If you’re committed to happiness, though, these five tips can help you enjoy this new chapter of your life. After all, why not make the rest of your life the best of your life?

1. Commit to a Happy Life

The first step is to commit to your new lifestyle. If you’ve moved into nursing care, you’ll only make the transition harder by looking back behind you. Instead, start every day with a commitment to making the best of your new home.

As you’ll soon find, there are dozens of perks that come with living in a retirement community. You can kiss lawn work goodbye, for example!

2. Find the Activities That Interest You

One of the biggest perks of nursing care is that these facilities offer a huge assortment of resources, classes, learning opportunities, and more. If you’ve always wanted to try painting, you can probably find a group that does it.

The same goes for dance, yoga, book clubs, and more. When you focus on activities that keep the mind and body active, you have more fun and enjoy your new space that much more.

3. Schedule Regular Family Visits

Family is one of the best places to find ongoing happiness. With this in mind, schedule regular social outings, family visits, and meetings with friends outside the nursing community. In addition to that, get proactive about making friends within the community. The more you can build your social circle, the happier you’ll be.

Plus, research shows that social interaction reduces the rates of cognitive decline, depression, anxiety, and more.

4. Eat Well

Most nursing care facilities take care of cooking for you. This gives you a great opportunity to eat healthy without worrying about cooking and dishes.

When you eat outside the facility, focus on feeding yourself well. You are what you eat, and a diet full of healthy, nutritious food will boost your health and wellbeing throughout.

5. Give Yourself Something to Look Forward To

Old age doesn’t mean you stop doing the things you love. Instead, use your newfound free time to dedicate yourself to volunteer work, a mission, helping others, taking care of something or someone, or doing something that gives you a purpose in life.

While adjusting to your new space can be challenging, turning your love and attention outwards is a wonderful way to channel your selflessness and happiness each and every day.

Quality Nursing Care in Mississippi

We understand that the transition to nursing care is not an easy one, for aging people and their families. Here at Senatobia Healthcare, our team provides compassionate, human-to-human long-term care for you or your loved ones.

We’ll go out of our way to help you find things you love to do, keep your sense of wonder alive, and enjoy your transition as much as possible. Contact us today to learn more.

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